The seven spirits of god isaiah 11
The seven spirits of god isaiah 11

These seven Spirits are one Holy Spirit in seven different manifestations which are also portrayed in Revelation 4:5 and Revelation 5:6.

the seven spirits of god isaiah 11

In Isaiah 11:2, seven distinct ‘Spirits’ are mentioned. The Scriptures, in several places, speak of the Spirit as the seven eyes, the seven Spirits or the seven lamps. Thus, every child of God ought to have the fullness of the Spirit. When the Holy Bible talks about the Holy Spirit as the seven Spirits of God, what it implies is the fullness of the Spirit, which you may or may not have in your life but you are supposed to have ( John 1:16, Ephesians 1:22-23, 3:19, 4:13, Colossians 1:19, 2:9-10). With this revelation you can make “natural lifestyle a supernatural lifestyle” otherwise your life will just be “super” in the “natural” realm. Those who welcomed the Spirit became joint-heirs/co-heirs with Christ ( Romans 8:17). When Jesus went to the Father, two things happened: 1. In John 14:12 Jesus prophesied that those who are called and elected ( 2 Peter 1:10) will do greater works than He. Jesus was God in the flesh who had the Spirit without a limit ( John 3:34).


Isaiah prophesied concerning Him saying that He would be full of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Rod that Isaiah prophesied would come from the stem of Jesse ( Isaiah 11:1-4). One of the last warning prophecy by a God’s General named Lester Sumrall to the end-time church was, “Do not forget the pioneers of faith.” This article “provoke a reaction.” Wonderful Jesus! God is raising indisputable faith leaders who will pull the world upside down with unquestionable supernatural faith. They were the pioneers of supernatural faith. God’s Generals throughout the centuries were raised to demonstrate the 7 dimensions of the Holy Spirit.

the seven spirits of god isaiah 11

The “Seven Spirits of God” therefore implies a “completion” or “fullness” of the Holy Spirit, and this fullness of the Spirit is what every Christian ought to have, for it is our birthright. To start with, the number Seven (7) is regarded by the Hebrew people as a sacred number, and throughout the Scriptures, it is used to symbolize perfection, fullness, abundance, rest and completion. When you hear or read the title, “The Seven Spirits of God” for the first time, the first question that will likely come up in your mind is, “Does this mean God has seven Holy Spirit?” Well, the Holy Bible does show that there are “Seven Spirits of God.” It however behoves us to understand exactly what this means and how it applies to us in the New Covenant. “John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from Him which is, and which was, and which is to come, and from the seven Spirits which are before His throne.” Revelation 1:4 KJV

The seven spirits of god isaiah 11